This is now all over my hands and no amount of scrubbing will remove it, any tips or products which will take it offRemoving paint, sealant from hands / skin?
Why don't you use some gasoline. That is why mother uses when she gets paint on her hands. It always works for her all the time.Removing paint, sealant from hands / skin?
Fanella`s suggestion is BRILLIANT, my girlfriend tried most things in the house which just made it sticky, but Washing up liquid and sugar worked in less then 5 mins. Thankyou.
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washing up liquid mixed with sugar might shift it
Baby Wipes. Scary but true.
Best to apply something like vassaline or oil to your hands before you paint---
try a bottle of (goof off) it's also in the paint area just rub like if it was lotion for about 5 min then wash hands
put a bit of cooking oil on it and then wash it with soap
lighter fluid,gas, nail polish remover that stuff remove anything
Surgical spirit, cheap from any chemist.
buy and Use a tinner from a hardware store
meths spirit gets rid of most things like that or paint remover
Go to your local Paint store , they have hand cleaner that will remove everything from your hands... most sealants ,and waterproofing are toluene based or some other oil based substance , soap ,and water will not penetrate , nor will paint thinner . go to the paint store tell them exactly what you were using , and they can help you
Pro Painter , not a half @sser with a truck ,and a brush
yes chazza their is , normally the paint will come of your hands with cold water , but with the sealent , not so easy , the only thing i know that will get both of these of your hands is Myathalated Spirts just rub that into your hands , then it well came loose , then wash your hands under the cold water tap , not hot, and when the paint and the sealocone is of wash your hands with soap and water , Now if this does not work then get some cold water in a bucket , and put 2 table spoons of cystalize bleech into the bucket. Not the Liquid Bleech. and this will get it all of for you , , when it is all of your hands wash your hands with soap and warm water , hope this will help you ,
Mineral Spirits. I swear this gets everything off. You can get it an any hardware store, and I think at Wal*Mart too.
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